pianist (22634 bytes) scientist (9824 bytes)

doctor (4740 bytes)
big girl reading (80786 bytes)
little girl reading (100450 bytes) nurse (6984 bytes) girl baseball player (5438 bytes)

See Jane Win

Ladder to Success (8063 bytes)



Finding2 (3521 bytes)

My parents made the biggest difference in my life. They placed no gender barriers before me. My father promoted my mother, and she promoted him. They were both involved in politics in New Jersey. I grew up thinking women can do anything.
Christie Whitman
Former Governor of New Jersey;
Director, Environmental Protection Agency

My father had his doctorate in pharmacy. He was on the State Board of Pharmacy, President of the National Board of Pharmacy, and very ambitious. He was always on the go, and still is. I realize I was just like my father. I did not let anything impede my path. He is probably the reason I can never focus on just one thing. We are both happier that way.
Catherine Callaway
CNN Reporter and Headline News Anchor

fatherdaughter.gif (9910 bytes) Most of the successful women had good relationships with their parents. When asked to rate their relationships with their parents during the teen years, the women most often described them as good or excellent; a small percentage characterized them as fair or poor. Approximately half of the women identified with their mothers; one quarter with their fathers; and the other quarter with teachers, other relatives, or friends. The women also mentioned multiple other role models they looked up to while traveling their paths to success, including some from books and biographies.

LET YOUR PARENTS BE A RESOURCE Guideline2 (2375 bytes)

Although adolescence and young adulthood is surely the time to establish yourself as more independent, don't rule out parents’ recommendations that are based on their experiences in the world. Many of our successful women did turn to their parents for advice on careers, education, family, and relationships even during their adult years. Your family members may become your lifelong friends.

Good role models abound, and you’ll need to search out those from whom you can learn. Many women understand the important role of mentors and may be willing to give of their time if you ask for their guidance.

©2001 by Sylvia B. Rimm.  All rights reserved.  This publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author.

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